Data Insights in Trucking Industry: How to Make Sense of It

Data Insights in Trucking Industry: How to Make Sense of It

Data Insights in Trucking Industry: How to Make Sense of It.

Alexandra F.

We have a lot of data insight and analytics at our fingertips today with technology platforms that collect and organize it for various industries. Though we have more data readily available to us today, that doesn’t always mean it’s easy to process and understand. Numbers are still numbers at the end of the day, and if we don’t find a way to assign them meaning, they are unfortunately wasted.

It’s important that we shift our focus to making sense of the invaluable data we are able to gather, particularly with the Transportation and Trucking industry today. By having information on current dispatched loads, delivery metrics, driver messages, assets in emergency, and so much more, transportation carriers are able to assess situations, make constructive changes, and pursue more efficient and reliable methods for the transportation oversight.

Compare Customers Report.

You can compare multiple customers revenue to predict which customer will increase demand so you can focus on

In order to make sense of all of this information we are able to provide through GADiiD, it’s going to require carrier entities to make structural changes and place more emphasis on the data we provide them through our platform over their intuition.

We had an LTL customer that consumed our resources with detention and appointment changes. After, running the customer analytic report (very intuitive), we realized at the end of the day we’re losing money regardless of how much detention we charged.

By using GADiiD, partners will be provided with data insight and analytics instead of simple data entry. Benefits of this kind of partnership include:

  • Real-time information for making on-the-go decisions about shipments and drivers
  • Humanly readable charts that make sense of the millions of numbers often lost in the void
  • All-in-one solution where data analysis from every component of the carrier industry is available on one consolidated platform
  • Access to the processed data anytime, from anywhere
  • Tracking abilities to stay ahead of the game with regards to unforeseen changes

GADiiD Compare Asset Revenue Report .

Compare 10 different trucks to make sense of which truck is making money on a given period

Data analytics, the process of analyzing data to gain insights and create recommendations, relies on expert high-quality software programs and skilled interpretation. Instead of just “reporting” the numbers to clients, GADiiD goes one step further and makes sense of the numbers.

GaDiiD wants to stress that our central focus is to make the entire carrier process easier and more streamlined for everyone involved. Instead of just simply providing the numbers, like most competitors do, GADiiD crunches the number and lays it out in a easy-to-read format so all partners can easily study monthly and yearly trends and findings for making accurate predictions down the line.

With GaDiiD, participating companies will not need to gather and process data on their own anymore. They will be provided with the expertly positioned data analysis by GADiiD, and will be able to make real-time decisions based on the findings. The only thing they will need to worry about is shifting their operations to place more emphasis on the statistical presentations, and less on the “gut” feelings they were used to relying on.

Analytics are the future of our world and how we operate today. Processing and making sense of big data is how we are going to make advancements, alter industries, and incorporate new practices. It’s important to partner with a company today that focuses on data interpretation instead of simple reporting.

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Evaluating a New Trucking Management Software (TMS): 5 Things to Consider


Trucking Industry

The Best Fleet Dispatching Solution for Mid-sized Trucking Companies

Fleet Management

The cloud, SaaS and how GADiiD can help your trucking business bottom-line

The Best Fleet Dispatching Solution for Mid-Sized Trucking Companies

The Best Fleet Dispatching Solution for Mid-Sized Trucking Companies


The Best Fleet Dispatching Solution for Mid-Size Trucking Companies

John Andraschko

Current Problem

What is the best solution for mid-sized companies?  We define mid-sized trucking companies as companies that feature a fleet size of 50-250, and it is clear that they need help. These companies have too many moving parts in terms of customers, invoices, trucks, employees, and other data to keep track of, to not be using some sort of application.

It is difficult for fleet managers to handle all the data necessary to run their business efficiently. When data is mishandled, violations, missed/late deliveries, and problems with payroll can all occur. Some of the current solutions to combat these problems include using multiple applications, transportation management systems (TMS), or by simply using Excel and Google Drive.

Current Solutions

Few of the options within the range of current solutions for trucking companies are worth the investment, because a lot of current solutions charge for everything they offer, instead of one rate that covers the entire product offering. These current solutions charge for extra bandwidth and for each individual application of the product offering. They also charge for training, and then additionally for the licensing agreement to use the software. For example, a dispatching software would charge extra to use their application featuring integrated accounting, or for the use of safety reporting.

For these mid-sized companies, if they do use transportation management software, it most likely would have been developed in the early 2000s. Technology changes daily, and trucking companies should not have to settle for out-of-date technology. With this in mind, the biggest area for growth for trucking companies is in mobile applications. Mobile is the way of the future, and if your TMS does not feature a mobile application, or is not working on providing one, they are behind both the times and the competition.

Another option for mid-sized firms is to use multiple applications to help run their business. If a business chooses to use multiple applications to run their business, the problem arises that these applications are not integrated, and there is no communication between them. This creates the need for entering data multiple times and there is nothing that employees hate more the double-data-entry .

Does your TMS feel like this?

New Solution

The answer for these companies is GADiiD.

GADiiD’s integrated, cloud-based trucking management software, developed for small and mid-sized trucking companies, to solve the problems of using multiple applications, or using out of date technology.

“We no longer have to use multiple applications to manage our business. GADiiD is a game changer.”

GADiiD’s TMS software is updated every two weeks. These updates are created to better meet the demands of the industry and GADiiD’s customers. On top of dispatching, the software also features integrated accounting, asset management, communication to drivers and customers, CRM, and safety & compliance reporting. All of these features are integrated and are displayed in one clear dashboard.

Most importantly, we have a free mobile app for both Android and iOS. This application allows managers and customers to track shipments, shows routes and fuel data for drivers, and allows drivers to upload receipts, BOL and other documents instantly from the road on their smart phone, using the intuitive GADiiD mobile application. Drivers also can see their settlements, expenses, payroll and much more which reduces drivers coming back to the office for explanation of their earnings and load documents. This helps drivers to concentrate on what they do best – driving and give them less worry of their pay as they can clearly see everything on their Android or iOS application.

Not only does the software feature everything that a company might need, but it is affordable to all trucking companies. There is no transfer or training expense, and GADiiD offers a free two-week trial. These features ensure that you are making a good investment. By having a 21st century TMS solution with mobile capabilities, and an all-for-one affordable monthly payment, it shows that GADiiD’s software is THE solution for mid-sized trucking companies.

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5 things to consider when evaluating a new trucking management software


Trucking Industry

The 80/20 rule in the Trucking industry


The cloud, SaaS and how GADiiD can help your trucking business bottom-line

Evaluating a New Trucking Management Software (TMS): 5 Things to Consider

Evaluating a New Trucking Management Software (TMS): 5 Things to Consider

Simple, reliable and transformative solution

Evaluating a New Trucking Management Software (TMS): 5 Things to Consider

Alexandra F.

Digital and technology integration are playing a huge role in how we communicate, work, and complete jobs around the world today. One industry that is behind on these digital and mobile developments is the American Trucking industry. Outdated software, faulty communication networks, and archaic Transportation Management Systems are still how so many truckers coordinate their shipments from point A to point B.

With the technology tools and resources at our fingertips today, it just doesn’t make sense to go about shipments the old-fashioned away.

When evaluating a trucking logistics platform in the future, here is a list of 5 things to consider:

All-in-on trucking software application that can effortlessly manage your asset, employees, customers, shippers, consignees, operations, safety and compliance with integrated accounting

so you can focus on your customers – fulltime

  1. Platform Consolidation 

Is everything consolidated in one singular platform?

There are lot of different logistics at play in the overall Trucking industry. From asset management and dispatching and load entry, to safety and compliance, it can be a lot to keep track of. When considering new TMS, you want to make a commitment to a singularly consolidated platform that harnesses mobile app technology and uses a cloud for information back up. That way, no important information or paperwork will ever get lost again.

We have implemented GADiiD on October 2014. We have stopped using Quick books, Excel, Drop box, Dispatching & Brokerage software, drive axle app, IFTA program and we use less email as a result of having everything in one place.

  1. Mobile App Compliance 

Does the software come with an all-in-one mobile app?

Don’t settle for opening and closing Internet tabs every single time you need information on a shipment or trucking route. Mobile apps are the most ingenious way to consolidate a ton of information in one easy-to-access portal, right from your phone. Apps can be accessed anytime, anywhere, and house every kind of important document, from payroll statements, to shipment maps.

On the other side of the trucking equation, apps can be used to reinvent the check-in process from a supplier’s point of view, and provide a real-time tracking system for round-the-clock communication between all drivers and shippers.

  1. Cloud Software Compatibility 

Does the software back up to a cloud server? 

The cloud is where it’s at today. Remember a time when people needed to physically file papers for retrieval at a later date? A digital “cloud” is one singular server that can back all of your logistics information up right to one platform and an accompanying app. That way, everything you could ever need, in real-time, is available to you through any digital channel.

Reliablity of criticle business data must be the first thing you should think about.

  1. Real-Time Information 

Can all information be retrieved instantly? 

Nothing is more convenient and productive than being able to provide real-time Trucking information to all parties involved in the shipment. In order to keep everyone happy, having access to real-time information at any given point in a shipment, like miles covered, miles to go, fuel costs, upcoming completions, and more, will ensure total oversight for peace of mind.

  1. Quick Transition Period 

Do you have to go through archaic software setup to get things rolling? 

Most of the software competition today clutches to the old ways of software management – the executable software ways. This structure requires an extensive setup, training, and implementation timeline to get things running semi-smoothly. Since it comes with no cloud consolidation or mobile app accessing, it becomes a very slow transition period that never seems to really end. It’s worth considering a selection that prioritizes the transition in a streamlined and convenient process. It makes the entire ordeal more pleasant for everyone involved.

At GADIID, we’re passionate about providing platform consolidation, mobile app compliance, cloud software compatibility, real-time information, and a quick transition period to our clientele. We also understand that everyone needs to get in a little test drive before they make a final decision. We offer a 14-day trial period for everyone to experience our load entry functions, receivables and payables accounting feature, load settlements function, expenses and payroll management, safety and compliance, employee and drivers documents, asset management, and more. There is no commitment and no setup fee required.

We’re happy to walk you through our GADIID product and get you started with our mobile compliant, fully integrated, cloud-based trucking software today. Make a commitment for technology convenience and versatility moving forward. GADIID can get you there.

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Old vs New

Evaluating a New Trucking Management Software (TMS): 5 Things to Consider


Trucking Industry

The Best Fleet Dispatching Solution for Mid-sized Trucking Companies

Fleet Management

The cloud, SaaS and how GADiiD can help your trucking business bottom-line