Data Insights in Trucking Industry: How to Make Sense of It

Data Insights in Trucking Industry: How to Make Sense of It

Data Insights in Trucking Industry: How to Make Sense of It.

Alexandra F.

We have a lot of data insight and analytics at our fingertips today with technology platforms that collect and organize it for various industries. Though we have more data readily available to us today, that doesn’t always mean it’s easy to process and understand. Numbers are still numbers at the end of the day, and if we don’t find a way to assign them meaning, they are unfortunately wasted.

It’s important that we shift our focus to making sense of the invaluable data we are able to gather, particularly with the Transportation and Trucking industry today. By having information on current dispatched loads, delivery metrics, driver messages, assets in emergency, and so much more, transportation carriers are able to assess situations, make constructive changes, and pursue more efficient and reliable methods for the transportation oversight.

Compare Customers Report.

You can compare multiple customers revenue to predict which customer will increase demand so you can focus on

In order to make sense of all of this information we are able to provide through GADiiD, it’s going to require carrier entities to make structural changes and place more emphasis on the data we provide them through our platform over their intuition.

We had an LTL customer that consumed our resources with detention and appointment changes. After, running the customer analytic report (very intuitive), we realized at the end of the day we’re losing money regardless of how much detention we charged.

By using GADiiD, partners will be provided with data insight and analytics instead of simple data entry. Benefits of this kind of partnership include:

  • Real-time information for making on-the-go decisions about shipments and drivers
  • Humanly readable charts that make sense of the millions of numbers often lost in the void
  • All-in-one solution where data analysis from every component of the carrier industry is available on one consolidated platform
  • Access to the processed data anytime, from anywhere
  • Tracking abilities to stay ahead of the game with regards to unforeseen changes

GADiiD Compare Asset Revenue Report .

Compare 10 different trucks to make sense of which truck is making money on a given period

Data analytics, the process of analyzing data to gain insights and create recommendations, relies on expert high-quality software programs and skilled interpretation. Instead of just “reporting” the numbers to clients, GADiiD goes one step further and makes sense of the numbers.

GaDiiD wants to stress that our central focus is to make the entire carrier process easier and more streamlined for everyone involved. Instead of just simply providing the numbers, like most competitors do, GADiiD crunches the number and lays it out in a easy-to-read format so all partners can easily study monthly and yearly trends and findings for making accurate predictions down the line.

With GaDiiD, participating companies will not need to gather and process data on their own anymore. They will be provided with the expertly positioned data analysis by GADiiD, and will be able to make real-time decisions based on the findings. The only thing they will need to worry about is shifting their operations to place more emphasis on the statistical presentations, and less on the “gut” feelings they were used to relying on.

Analytics are the future of our world and how we operate today. Processing and making sense of big data is how we are going to make advancements, alter industries, and incorporate new practices. It’s important to partner with a company today that focuses on data interpretation instead of simple reporting.

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The 80/20 Rule in the Trucking Industry

The 80/20 Rule in the Trucking Industry

Fleet Management

The 80/20 Rule in Trucking Industry

John Andraschko

The 80/20 rule states that 80% of outcomes come from 20% of inputs. This rule is often applied to help reduce waste or improve efficiencies in companies, by focusing on a small amount of inputs.

If you apply this rule to   dispatching, there is the potential to see improved efficiency across the entire company. Since very few people control dispatching, the 80/20 ratio in this case may actually be closer to 95/5. The real question is how dispatchers and fleet managers can improve dispatching to allow for a more efficient system and to save valuable time?

To answer this question, many fleet managers turn to Google. There they will find that much of the dispatching and telematics software was designed in the 1990s and early 2000s, and is not relevant or efficient for their current needs or operation.

Many of these software companies were formed before the mobile revolution, therefore it is hard for them to adapt to 21stcentury logistics management. 21st century fleet management requires back-office and mobile-based solutions that are all integrated.

How can you use the same software you used to manage this truck, today?

It is time to focus on what matters – your customers and not Managing a management software – time for GADiiD

Fleet managers also prefer to use one system for their entire end-to-end operations, from dispatching and mileage/routing, to integrated accounting. Customers are also becoming more demanding, and require periodic load location and status updates, which creates a resource stretch as dispatchers are asked to do more, with less technology.

GADiiD is different than the software of the past. It is a cloud-based Transportation Management Software (TMS), which helps fleet managers and dispatchers manage all aspects of their trucking company, and store all information in one suite of software that is hosted on the cloud. By using a robust and fully integrated platform that lets you save money, as well as access company data anywhere and on any device, efficiency will increase throughout the trucking business – the way it should be.

“I’m very happy with GADiiD. I was first worries about the learning curve, then the trainer made is so simple that, the entire dispatching team of 14 was able to use it after 25 min of training with no issues. The customer support is also amazing as it is right on the software. Loved chatting with these forks in real-time when we’re starting to use the software.”

Dispatchers and Managers

Unless you are using GADiiD, dispatchers may use multiple applications, or complicated ERP systems that require the entire organization to have a thorough understanding of how the system operates. This demands expensive training and implementation costs, as well as a commitment from the whole organization to embrace the new system. 21st century employees demand 21st century software that is easy to use with intuitive design, and GADiiD was designed with this in mind.

the Admin Dashboard.

Fleet Managers get digestible analytic data in real-time

Admin Dashboard

Admin Dashboard shows all the accounting and dispatch operation information that a fleet manager needs to see, in an intuitive format with charts and tables.

The training on GADiiD is free, and only takes between 1-2 hours. If additional training is needed, it will also be free and can be scheduled with the GADiiD support team, or users can attend our weekly training webinars.

GADiiD only needs to train personnel in the organization on the software within their specific function, and this is what separates GADiiD from other TMS systems. Once the training is completed, dispatchers and fleet managers can see benefits almost immediately.

The ability to track trucks, trailers, and employee information, allows dispatchers to increase the speed they assign drivers to trucks, and vice-versa. This quick ROI makes GADiiD very appealing. By streamlining the dispatching process, companies save time and money. GADiiD will lower dispatching time by 80%. The time savings will improve customer satisfaction, on-time deliveries, warehouse and worker efficiency, while reducing human errors and other key performance indicators.


Resistance to change is one of the biggest problems when implementing a new system; however, with GADiiD there should be little resistance from drivers, because there is such a short learning curve. Truck drivers are already busy and focused on the road, and do not want to spend significant time learning a new, complicated software. With that in mind, GADiiD created a very user-friendly mobile app. The app will allow drivers to do virtually any task related to their loads, to view their payroll as well as scan documents from the mobile app, and to instantly upload info to their GADiiD account where it can be viewed by the back-office instantly. With the GADiiD mobile app for Android and iOS, the need for mailing or delivery documents and receipts in-person has been flipped on its head.

The best way for a trucking and transportation company to quickly and easily become more efficient, to respond to customer demands automatically in almost all communications, and to be compliant to all DoT and other US and Canadian government agencies, is to implement GADiiD.

Operation dashboard. Dispatchers and fleet managers see everything that is going on in one dashboard and can make dispatching decisions much quicker


GADiiD can be customize to your own company needs and objectives. Operation managers can create custom settings whereby, they create specific fields to be duplicable so dispatcher save time for repeating load orders. You can also set the fields that are important to your organization to be required and turn off the ones that are not required. You can also have your own custom fields in addition to the default fields that come with GADiiD.

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Evaluating a New Trucking Management Software (TMS): 5 Things to Consider


Trucking Industry

The Best Fleet Dispatching Solution for Mid-sized Trucking Companies

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